Monday, September 26, 2011

7 months

Yekepa 013

Last thursday marked 7 months since I left home. What an amazing time I've had. As I look back and reflect on everything that has happened, I see God getting so much Glory. From the challenging transition to Ohio then to Liberia, where he brought Stephanie and I together to build each other up, knowing that during our time in Liberia we would need the support from each other. Just as he sent his disciples out 2 by 2 he sent us to Liberia, and also provided a support all around me throughout my time. I saw how He was glorified as a nearly impossible fashion show became a huge success, two times over. How He protected me in my travel to Kenya, and really blessed my time with all the beautiful ladies at Amani Kenya. How now, being back in Liberia for over a month, he has continued to guide me, teach me, encourage me, and has grown my faith even deeper. He has allowed my weaknesses to be used for His glory, and has lead me to build up others as they build me up.

I have 6 more weeks until I go home, and while I am excited to see my family and friends, I am also excited to see everything through to completions in the coming weeks. I have a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time, but I have faith that God will continue to give me strength and the ability to get it all done. I have faith that God will continue to provide financially as he has the whole time. I thank God for my time here, I give all the glory to Him!   

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